We have teamed with Chris Adams from The Green Web Foundation to co-host host another Meetup for the Green Software Community in Berlin.
Chris will give a share what you need to know about how digital infrastructure is powered, and how to make the greenest choices for powering your services. He will also talk about the lastest works of The Green Web Foundation and their mission to create a fossil free internet.
In the second part of the Meetup we as Green Coding Solutions will be presenting our recent works on our Open Source Toolchain (AGPLv3) to measure the carbon impact of your Software: The Green Metrics Tool We will also walk you through the approach to measure your infrastructure and software with our tool and how you can use it in your own project.
Afterwards, as usual, we will hang out and chat. There is also time and space to present you Green Software project in a casual round afterwards.
So join us and let’s grow the Green Software community in Berlin!
Location: The Meetup is inside Betahaus on the first floor. We will keep the door open, so just go up one flight.
Contact: If you want to shoot us some questions or infos beforehand or anything just write an email to [email protected]
Important: There will be free beer and pizzas :)