Why choose us?

We help you to transform your software to a sustainable product.

Scroll down and see how we work with companies in our 5 stage approach.

We are regular speaker at conferences and industry symposiums, developing open source industry advancing container native carbon measurement tools as well as state of the art carbon pipeline tooling, active advocates and consultants for energy and carbon transparency through certifications like the Blauer Engel für Software or our Energy-ID project.

Some of our recent recognized works in research include tailored open source machine models for energy estimation in cloud environments, published positional papers and academical papers for software lifecycle assessment and software energy measurement, work on Software-Lifecycle-Assessment with developer tools to be released later this year and cited case studies for energy savings and optimizations.

How we work

We usually work with clients in a five module program. However for clients who are already advanced in their sustainability journey we provide the modules separately according to clients needs.

So also only a measurement & optimize workshop to bring your developers up to code with current Green Coding techniques or carbon-optimizing your CI/CD pipelines or customer facing websites is part of our portfolio.



ConsultingWorkshops & Training

Software emits CO2 through it's own operation, by using energy still based on fossil fuels, but also indirectly through the embodied carbon of the hardware reservation. Also modern systems run in datacenters with expensive cooling, land-use etc. - See a deeper dive into the topic in our About section

We use the methodologies based on research and industry standard practices (GHG Protocol / ISO 14001 / Green Software Foundation) and analyse all your infrastructure and identify targets for immediate and later analysis.

Depending on your internal state of knowledge a Consulting or a Workshop/Training is best suitable for you at this stage.

Consulting offers Workshops & Trainings

Assessment & Operations


No matter if you have your own software product or just want to quantify the consumption of all your operations, it is necessary to quantify the CO2 emissions in real time.

We integrate our enterprise ready measurement and reporting tools into your infrastructure and help you generate reporting ready and/or marketing ready carbon numbers.

It is important to look at the whole software lifecycle and create carbon metrics for all stages. We employ our enterprise ready tooling for all these stages: Development, Testing, Runtime. For external SaaS solutions we work with accredited databases.

Consulting offers Software Integrations



After understanding your digital carbon emissions using them transparently is key.Internally as we as externally.

This begins with creating KPIs internally, setting carbon budgets and bringing it to all team dashboards.

Externally this includes reportings to vendoers, clients and also regulatory bodies.

We help you create reports (Scope 1,2, 3) for European's CSRD, GHG Protocol, Green Software Foundation SCI, ISO 14001 and many more.

Depending on the size of your company it is helpful to first create reportings with internally used accounting tools and switch to real-time reportings and software integrations later.

Consulting offers Software Integrations



Driving carbon emissions down is paramount in the whole process of creating a sustainable digital product and infrastructure.

We leverage our tools to generate automated recommendations even for complex software architectures.

By suggesting tailored optimisation concepts to your company and product needs we identify and quantify carbon savings and integrate them with you.

Quick wins can often be gained with minimal effort while long-term goals can often easily attained by employing constant monitoring and constant optimizations with every software build.

Software Integrations Green Metrics Tool



Sustainable software is a continuous process. After the first identification of weak spots and optimization targets we automate the reporting / transparency part through industry standard DevOps practices by integrating our specialized CI/CD pipeline tools (See for example our Eco-CI products for Github / Gitlab or our Cloud Energy tools for arbitrary pipelines as well as our dedicated runners for enterprises).

In a second step we integrate optimizations also directly into the software build-chain through static ode optimizations and also Green AI / ML optimizations.

Software Integrations Eco-CI


A curated list of organizations we have been working with.

Contact us

Green Coding Solutions GmbH
Jablonskistr. 24
10405 Berlin (Germany)

(+49) 160 947 930 24

[email protected]