Workshop 07.05.2024

Measurement Workshop - HTW Berlin (May 2024)

Prof. Dr. Verena Majuntke has invited us to a measurement Workshop at the HTW Berlin.

We are extremely delighted to having had the opportunity to present the concept of understanding and measuring software carbon emissions to some young and information hungry students.

The workshop had a 2 hour format where we first went through all the nitty-gritties of how and why software emits CO2.

In the latter parts we then moved over to hands-on measuring by trying out some of our tools that work under various systems like macOS, Windows and Linux.

With our Github Codespace you can also try our tool live in the browser without having to install anything!

So if you have not yet tried the GMT, give it a spin!

Thanks again to Prof. Dr. Verena Majuntke and her student group for having us!

Small marketing pitch: In case you are also interested to have a workshop or some training for you team contact us. We are open for hire!

See some details about our workshops here: Workshops & Trainings

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