
The first step in reducing your software carbon footprint is to understand where it is coming from and why it is your responsibility to lower it.

We go with clients through the journey of first understanding the background of software carbon emissions and then the accredited methodologies to report and assess software carbon emissions with the goal in mind to act and automate on emission reduction.

Understanding and assessment


Software carbon emissions stem from the fact that software runs on infrastructure that on the one hand consumes energy and on the other hand has to be manufactured in very carbon intensive processes.

The effective user of that infrastructure is responsible for that carbon emissons and thus has the obligation to reduce it as much as technically and economically possible.

To implement business goals and KPIs it is key to understand where the biggest sources of carbon emissions lie (scope 3 upstream, downstream or even in scope 2) and where the biggest levers are.

Our consulting offer focuses on key business goals and product needs with a focus on carbon efficiency and carbon reduction. The target is to incorporate carbon metrics into central DevOps, Engineering and also Management Dashboards to enable businesses to act effectively in reducting software carbon emissions.

Understand & Learn

Reportings and accounting


Companies face increased challenges for reporting under the CSRD or the british reporting scheme which comes into effect by 2024.

ISO 14001 is the norm for lifecycle assessment that also supports assessments for digital producuts.

In order to leverage the ISO 14001 a supporting framework, the GHG protocol is needed, which supplies the necessary boundaries and attributional methods to quantify a software product.

For non-reporting use, but rather internal operations we bring the SCI standard into your team and show how a software can be quantified and assessed with this methodology

GHG Protocol / ISO 14001
Intel energy filtering - Source Intel

Evaluating & leveraging carbon savings

MigrationsCarbon savingsGreen software techniques

Carbon savings sometimes come from classic techniques like legacy mirgrations, cloud migrations, dynamic scaling or refarctoring.

In more modern software products savings often come through cloud optimizations like idle time optimizations, VM to function migrations or architectural changes.

If your scaling factor is sufficient also algorithmical changes and / or runtime swap-outs have enormous benefits and can drive drown carbon emissions by 2-digit percentages.

We evaluate which technique is right for you at your current company / product stage and either plan for internal trainings to leverage your existing development teams or integrate our enterprise tooling which helps you surface concrete engineering implementations that you can apply.


The cases above are just an examplary list of our field of consulting work.

If you have some other specific need for your digital product do not hesitate to contact us. Our experience with a variety of clients spans many more domains like:

Software carbon strategy planning, Cloud carbon efficient migrations, Consultant trainings, Green software development guidelines, Application carbon profiling, Sustainable UI / UX, Sustainablity labels, Digital Carbon Certifications


Contact us

Green Coding Solutions GmbH
Jablonskistr. 24
10405 Berlin (Germany)

(+49) 160 947 930 24

[email protected]