Case Studies
Here your find our list of case studies that highlight the carbon emissions of specific digital infratructure or software.

The Carbon Cost of Testing Pipelines

When we first created Eco-CI, our goal was to help developers get a more solid grasp of how their repeated processes cost energy and carbon, and be able to put some practical numbers to that concept. [...]

- by Dan Mateas

Energy Efficiency of programming languages - Revisiting Python in 2024

In 2017 a paper was published in the Proceedings of 2017 ACM SIGPLAN called Energy Efficiency across Programming Languages The paper compares different programming language on standardised algorithmical compute benchmarks and ranks them according to their energy efficiency. [...]

- by Arne Tarara

CO2 savings at scale - The Zoom Auto-Download case

Many people often critique Green Coding with two main points: They believe the savings are insignificant, arguing that IT systems are already efficient. They find the methods and modifications required for Green Coding challenging and time-consuming to implement. [...]

- by Arne Tarara

CPU Power Capping - Processor energy configuration series - Part 3

This arcticle is part of a multi-part series. Be sure to check out / stay tuned for the other parts! In this series we look at processor configuration options either from the OS side or directly in MSRs of the CPU and their effect on the power draw of the CPU. [...]

- by Arne Tarara

Inherent variability in energy testing of CI pipelines

As we’ve been testing the energy use of various CI pipelines using Eco-CI, one thing we’ve noticed is that there is a large amount of variability in the results. Pipeline runs that we would expect to be more or less the same (same commit hash, running a few days in a row on the same cpu) can have wildly different results: [...]

- by Dan Mateas

CPU Utilization - A useful metric?

In this case study we will look at the ubiquitous metric CPU utilization and how helpful it is in evaluating code performance or energy consumption [...]

- by Arne Tarara

Turbo Boost and energy - Processor energy configuration series - Part 2

Turning ON deep c-states. This might increase startup-latency of some workloads, but since Cores can not only go into one fixed Turbo Boost frequency, but actually if only SOME cores go into a stronger Turbo Boost, then they can reach even higher frequencies! [...]

- by Arne Tarara

DevOps energy savings - Reducing image docker container size - Part I

What are the tradeoffs when trying to optimize image size of docker containers [...]

- by Danilo Jesic

RAPL, SGX and energy filtering - Influences on power consumption

In this case study we will look at the RAPL feature in modern processors and a security feature that can influence it’s accuracy [...]

- by Arne Tarara

Hyper-Threading and energy - Processor energy configuration series - Part 1

This arcticle is part of a multi-part series. Be sure to check out / stay tuned for the other parts! In this series we look at processor configuration options either from the OS side or directly in MSRs of the CPU and their effect on the power draw of the CPU. [...]

- by Arne Tarara