Eco-CI: Now with Gitlab pipelines support
- by Dan Mateas

We are happy to announce a major update to our Eco-CI tool, a plugin designed to estimate and reduce the energy consumption of continuous integration pipelines. Previously available exclusively for GitHub Actions, we are excited to announce the integration of Eco-CI with GitLab pipelines. [...]

NOP Linux
- by Didi Hoffmann

At Green Coding Solutions (GCS), one goal is to enable reproducible runs on our cluster. An important step towards accurate measurements was the creation of NOP Linux, our custom Linux distro that disables as many background processes as possible to avoid interruptions during measurements. [...]

Green Metrics Tool v0.15 & Eco-CI Upgrade
- by Arne Tarara

The long awaited feature to make comparisons with the Green Metrics Tool is finally live 🔥 Our measurement workflow now includes phases (Baseline, Idle, Installation, Boot, Runtime, Remove) which makes our tool compatible with the requirements specified by the Blue Angel for Software. [...]

Green Coding on Mac
- by Didi Hoffmann

Green Coding on Mac When we started with the Green Metrics Tool (GMT) we set out to develop tooling to enable developers, decision makers and the wider public to measure and see the impact software is having on the environment. [...]

Eco CI Energy Estimation Action
- by Dan Mateas

You do not know about our Eco-CI project yet? Than read up here about it: Eco-CI project As we mentioned in a previous blog article, we’ve been thinking of ways to make CI pipelines more energy efficient. [...]

Containers on macOS for the Green Metrics Tool
- by Didi Hoffmann

Many of our developers work on macOS exclusively. In order to create a nicer development experience, we are currently undergoing some work to port our Green Metrics Tool to macOS. [...]

Eco CI project - Github Action for Greener CI pipelines
- by Dan Mateas

You do not know about our Eco-CI project yet? Than read up here about it: Eco-CI project One question we’ve been tinkering around with here at Green Coding Solutions is how can we make CI pipelines around the world a little bit greener. [...]

TDP and ACP for energy estimation in processors
- by Arne Tarara

In the green software community we see very often that people use the TDP of the processor as a metric to estimate how much energy the CPU will consume for a specific workload. [...]

SPECPower model with XGBoost open sourced
- by Arne Tarara

A detailed blog article is yet to come, but for everyone who follows our blog only and not our repositories we wanted to highlight that we open sourced the new XGBoost variant of the SPECPower estimation model for cloud workloads on github called Cloud Energy. [...]

- by Arne Tarara

We recently had a team of aspiring UX researches at Green Coding Solutions that made a research project on how the Green Metrics Tool can be used. This is a guest article with their results [...]