Releasing Green-Coding.AI
- by Didi Hoffmann

Artificial Intelligence is on the rise and it is using huge amounts of resources. [1] [2] [3] People are still debating on how much, but it is clear that it is quite a lot. [...]

🇩🇪 Green Coding Studie
- by Arne Tarara

Wir sind von der dena (Deutsche Energie Agentur) beauftragt worden, eine hoffentlich bahnbrechende Studie zum Thema Green Coding als Standard in der Softwareentwicklung fĂĽr eine stromsparende Gestaltung der Digitalisierung zu erstellen. [...]

How much energy is my server using?
- by Didi Hoffmann

Something we often encounter when talking to clients is that they often have no idea of how much energy the various components in their pipeline use. We have developed multiple projects like Eco-CI that measures the energy usage of CI/CD pipelines or Power Hog which logs energy consumption on desktops. [...]

Scale your CPU according to the Grid intensity
- by Didi Hoffmann

In the age of digital revolution, our reliance on technology is ever-increasing, but so is our carbon footprint. Amidst this tech boom, a pressing question arises: how can we leverage technology to combat, rather than contribute to, climate change? [...]

Getting high grade cpu utilization values on MacOS
- by Didi Hoffmann

CPU utilization is an interesting value to use if you ware interested in either energy usage or optimizing your code. We have written a long case study on if it is useful in the first place. [...]

PNG. A message from the past and how to kill it
- by Didi Hoffmann

While reading this great article about the smallest png image possible I started thinking about how old the png standard is and how many more newer formats are out there. [...]

Benchmarking code optimisation
- by Didi Hoffmann

Standard benchmarks play a pivotal role in the field of software engineering, serving as a foundational element for ensuring quality and efficiency. The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) benchmarks, in particular, have established a high standard across the database sector. [...]

Carbon Aware Development - (SCLA part 2)
- by Didi Hoffmann

While writing the “Software Life Cycle Assessment done in the wild” article I needed to develop a little server that could do three simple tasks. Because the article became too long I decided to separate the methodology how to develop with environmental impact in mind into a dedicated part. [...]

Software Life Cycle Assessment done in the wild - (SLCA part 1)
- by Didi Hoffmann

In this article I want to propose a simple way to do a Software Life Cycle Assessment for a piece of code. While explaining important concepts and tradeoffs that seem sensible for a little project. [...]

Energy and power usage data in the cloud
- by Arne Tarara

Getting power usage data in cloud is a tough topic and one of the reasons projects such as Cloud Carbon Footprint exist. Typically cloud vendors, especially hyperscalers, do neither supply energy consumption data of the whole machine from PDUs or similar, nor do they provide access to CPU internal energy data like for instance RAPL. [...]